Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The number 2

"From the point of view of Initiatic Science, the number 2
represents the 1 polarized as positive and negative, masculine
and feminine, active and passive. As soon as there is
manifestation, there is partition, division. In 1 there can be no
creation, because no exchanges are possible. In order to manifest
and make itself known, 1 has to divide. Unity is the privilege of
God himself, his exclusive domain. In order for God, the 1, to
create, he had to become 2.
In order to create, therefore, God projected himself beyond
himself by polarizing, and the universe was born from the
existence of these two poles. The positive pole exerts an
attraction on the negative pole, and vice versa. This is the
mechanism of action and reaction, which activates and sustains
the movement of life. The cessation of this movement would bring
stagnation and death, a return to the state of original
non-differentiation. The first lines from the book of Genesis
reveal that creation proceeded through successive separations. On
the first day of creation, God separated the light from the dark.
On the second day, he separated the waters above from the waters
below. On the third day, he separated the waters from dry land.
The 1 is an entity closed in on itself. To leave this state, this
entity must become 2. "

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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